How many wind turbines will there be?

    The capacity and number of wind turbines is subject to many factors, including the outcomes of network, environmental, noise and geotechnical studies, as well as turbine procurement and land availability.

    The feasibility assessment is considering up to a maximum of 20 wind turbines. 

    How tall would the wind turbine be?

    A wind turbine tower can be between 120–160m tall, with a blade length of up to 90m. This gives a maximum total height of 250m. The exact height of the wind turbines would be determined during the turbine procurement process. 

    Are wind turbines noisy?

    Technological advancements have meant that modern wind turbines are generally quieter than their predecessors. The swooshing sound that can be heard when close to a turbine comes from the trailing edge of the blade tip 

    Noise from wind turbines varies depending oa number of factors including the strength and direction of the wind, background noise levelstype of turbinelandscape, and distance from the turbinesWind farms are designed to ensure that noise levelcomply with applicable regulations. Expert consultants are engaged to conduct a thorough noise study, to ensure that noise is under an acceptable level. Noise is alsmonitored during operation of a wind farm to ensure ongoing compliance.  

    Can wind farms impact human health?

    The Australian National Health and Medical Research Council concludes there is no consistent evidence that wind farms cause adverse health effects in humans. 

    The Australian Medical Association states that evidence does not support the view that the infrasound or low frequency sound generated by wind farms causes adverse health effects on populations residing in their vicinity.  

    Electricity generation by wind turbines does not involve production of greenhouse gases, other pollutant emissions or waste that can have significant direct and indirect health effects. 

    How close are wind turbines built to homes?

    A distance of 1.5km from a wind turbine to a home generally meets regulatory noise requirements in Western Australia.

    Do wind farms impact farm productivity?

    Wind turbines use a small area of land. Livestock can graze and crops can be harvested within a short distance of a turbine. When operating, an area of 40 by 70 meters per turbine would typically not be usable for farming. Precise dimensions can vary. Wind farms and productive agriculture have a well-established track record of land use compatibility.

    Do wind turbines affect livestock?

    Studies have found that wind farm operations have no adverse impact on livestock. Livestock are known to use wind turbine towers for shade, shelter, and as a rubbing post.

    Can wind turbines impact birds or bats?

    Impacts are considered as part of a rigorous environmental impact assessment and approval process. If required, mitigations would be implemented to reduce risk. 

    While all species of birds and bats are studied, the impact assessment focuses on migratory and threatened species that fly at heights within the swept area of the wind turbine blades.

    What are the local employment opportunities?

    Construction provides an economic boost for regional communities by increasing demand for local goods and services. Synergy anticipates that the wind farm construction would require a workforce of up to 150 people. Local employment is a significant consideration in the procurement process of Synergy’s construction partner, who are likely to be the direct employer of most of the workforce. 

    The much smaller operational workforce of a wind farm is predominantly made up of wind turbine technicians.

    What impacts the wind farm delivery timeline?

    Synergy seeks to progress the wind farm to contribute to 2030 decarbonisation targets. The wind farm’s delivery timeline can be impacted by environmental and development approvals, wind turbine supply chain constraints and the grid connection process. The wind farm is also subject to Government approval processes and funding. 

    What happens at the end of a wind turbine’s life?

    Approximately 85 per cent of a wind turbine (by weight) is commonly recycled in AustraliaThis includes the steel tower and valuable metals in the generator

    While wind turbines blades are not yet commonly recycled, a variety of products have been trialled including bridges, poles, sound barriers, bus stops, roofs and farming equipment.  

    Who owns the proposed wind farm in Scott River?

    The feasibility assessment is being led by SynergyRED (a wholly owned subsidiary of Synergy) on behalf of Synergy.