Why has this location been chosen?

    The site was selected due to its proximity to Western Power’s electricity transmission line, strong overnight wind, and access to predominantly cleared, freehold agricultural land which is well suited to a wind farm development.

    How much power will the wind farm generate?

    We have approval for a wind farm with capacity to generate up to 150 megawatts - enough to power approximately 100,000 homes.

    What carbon emissions will be avoided when King Rocks Wind Farm is operational?

    The renewable energy generated by the King Rocks Wind Farm would avoid approximately 200,000 tonnes of carbon emissions per year.

    Who will construct the wind farm?

    A competitive tender process will be undertaken to appoint construction contractor(s).

    How many jobs will be created during construction?

    In constructing the wind farm, priority will be given to local employment where possible. In addition to local employment, the project is expected to require up to 200 workers who may need temporary accommodation. Synergy is currently assessing the workforce requirements which will determine the appropriate size of the temporary accommodation facility.

    Who will operate the wind farm when it is constructed?

    A competitive tender process will be undertaken to appoint an operations and maintenance contractor.

    Will the wind farm be heard by neighbouring properties?

    Background noise monitoring and modelling of the turbine noise has been completed. The wind farm will be designed to ensure that noise levels comply with allowable limits.

    Will a King Rocks Wind Farm community fund be established?

    King Rocks Wind Farm will establish a community investment program to support activities and initiatives that give back to the local community each year. We will work with the community to ensure this is meaningful and appropriate.