When will KBESS2 be ready?

    The aim is for KBESS2 to be commissioned in late 2024.

    How will KBESS2 benefit WA?

    When KBESS2 is operating, it is intended to be used to help balance supply and demand in the South West Interconnected System (SWIS), assisting with network stability and security and helping to reduce the risk of outages and electricity supply interruptions.

    Why was Kwinana chosen as the location for this project?

    The chosen site in Kwinana can connect to the 330kV transmission system in the area. Land was available at the decommissioned Kwinana Power Station site suitable for the requirements of the project – and being in an industrial area, meant existing network infrastructure could be used.

    Why is another battery energy storage system needed in WA?

    The SWIS is likely to need multiple battery energy storage solutions to support the retirement of Synergy's coal-fired power stations. So far, KBESS1 is Synergy's only battery project to be constructed and commissioned in 2023 but planning is in progress for KBESS2 and CBESS in Collie. A development application for KBESS2 has been submitted to City of Kwinana in February 2023 for approval.

Battery storage

    Why is Synergy constructing battery energy storage systems (BESS)?

    To support the replacement of power from coal-fired power stations with renewable generation capacity, it is likely multiple battery energy storage systems will be needed. Battery storage provides network security services, peak shaving, load shifting and renewable smoothing all of which helps to make the SWIS more reliable, getting your energy to you when you want to use it.

    How does the battery work?

    CBESS will charge by absorbing excess electricity during the day. It will store this energy and then discharge electricity into the network during periods of peak demand and later in the evening. This is when there is a higher demand for electricity in the grid, as the sun sets and the wind subsides in many locations. The battery is designed to charge and discharge quickly, to assist in managing volatility in supply and demand.

    What technology does the battery use?

    CBESS will use lithium-ion batteries and supporting equipment from global leading manufacturers. CBESS will contain a number of separate, modularised batteries which are designed to enhance stability and security of the network.